Looking for shops nearby in Nepal? Oripari helps you locate everything around you to find the nearest local shops, trendy restaurants, pharmacy, supermarket, groceries, meat shop, according to your areas of interest or notable locations.
Finding things nearby now made easier with Oripari. Fast, easy and accurate, Oripari is your ideal day to day companion.
Whether you’re home or out in other places or in the middle of the road you can easily explore places near you. Oripari provides access to local information with a single click.
Oripari is an easy local search app that allows you to search stores nearby to purchase.
Our partners include local stores, groceries to supermarkets, restaurant, bakery, petrol pump, gas station and thousands of sellers to connect with hundreds of customer.

Every thought of finding places nearby with a single click on your phone? Wandered around a new place and have no idea to find places near you? Buzz out the hotspots and choose from a wide range of categories. From local grocery stores, supermarkets, bakery, sweets to restaurants and petrol pumps near you, Oripari is a solution to your every problem verified by us. Using the current location, user can search for the stores nearby of their interest. The app comes with the filtering mechanism to let users refine the shops and stores they want to visit. The plus point is letting users know whether shops are opened or closed, the products and services the individual store provides and moreover their contact information.